Call us today 208-957-5050

Serving Insurance for Idaho, Oregon, Arizona & Washington

business umbrella

Don't let one bad incident put you out of business.

While most standard business liability coverage will protect your business and its assets in most situations, a serious incident could arise and could exhaust your limits in any given situation.

A business umbrella policy picks up where your general liability, other liability and business auto liability have been exhausted.

Peace of mind at work or play

Umbrella coverage for anywhere in the world

Discover our true umbrella coverage

personal umbrella

Don't let one bad day turn into a bad life.

Do you have enough coverage on your auto         insurance,  should you get involve in a serious accident and seriously injure or damage properties as a result of your driving?

Our umbrella insurance from our carriers

can provide: 

  • - An extra $1M  to $25M of liability coverage which can help assets like your home, auto toys, income, and investments
  • - Coverage for claims like libel, slander, defamation of character and invasion of privacy
  • - Helps cover defense cost, attorney fees and other charges associated with lawsuits    



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